The Satellite Phone is activated

Now we have activated the satellite phone. If you want to get in contact with us, our number is; 00881631646477. Whenever you feel like it, give us a call! Online you can send us a satellite messages for free. Click here to go to the Iridium Messaging page. The first numbers of the telephone number are already being filled in. All you need to do is to fill in the rest, that is, 31646477. Skip writing anything in the "reply email" box and just go head and write your message to us and then click the button "send message" and we will recieve a message from you within a couple of minutes!

Today we are heading for Denmark and Limfjorden, however, since the winds are blowing from the west, we don't know how far we will reach today. Hopefully we will reach Läsö tonight, but we might also have to wait for better winds in the Gothenburg archipelago. We will give you more updates as soon as we can! Don't forget to listen to Radio p4 Kristianstad tomorrow morning at 9, and you will get live updates from Cantare!

Finally, before leaving Lilla Bommen we would like to thank all our friends for coming seeing us at the boat and wishing us good luck. We are gonna miss you all! Take care!

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  1. Agneta Says:

    Roligt att få tillfälle att se er båt. Lycka till på färden och njut av livet. Kramar

  2. Unknown Says:

    Det är ju vi som ska tacka för en trevlig kväll på Cantare!! Det var roligt att träffa er och att se båten som ska vara er bostad ett år framöver. Jag är impad! ...och en stolt nästkusin. ;)

  3. pia lundblad Says:

    Hej skickliga töser! Vi följer er på er spännande resa. Trevligt att ni tar så många fina bilder. Det går att registrera att ni ser många intressanta byggnader i de hamnar ni stannar. Nu önskar vi er lycka till på den fortsatta resan. Massor av hälsningar från Nils, Axel och Pia (f.d Välinge)

  4. dogge Says:

    det låter som ni har det mysigt , var har ni jolle nu?

  5. Anonymous Says:

    i saw you in amsterdam with my wife
    near the oranje sluizen and we talked to eachother,i told you that i,ll make a cruise.i have been in st lucia on 30/31-12-2009,maybe we see eachother(i was the man with the Bavariamotorboat)acatinet

  6. Unknown Says:

    B-31 Klubben ønsker jer alle en Rigtig Glædelig Jul og et Godt Nytår.

    De bedste julehilsner

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Hy girls, I've been so glad to meet u...I'm Clementine, you know the twin with Charlotte, we met in Salt whistle bay in mayereau...if I do remember well..
    I've just flew back to france...u'll still be in my heart, I'll soon send u pictures...I hope evrythings OK for U...take care...lots of kisses...