The Idea
Posted On Wednesday, 1 October 2008 at at 14:51 by Kapten IngerupDoing a blue water cruise has been a
dream for the captain since she was sitting on the school ship Gunilla outside Venezuela and thinking about the future. When, how and where were not a part of the picture then, it was all about the possibility of doing it in a much smaller yacht where the crew has more influence of how the life aboard is to be lived and where the stops are going to be. After graduation she talked about the idea with friends from time to time, but there were always other thing that dragged the crew appart. Backpacking, studies, jobs, boyfriends and the fact that they had no yacht made the plans postponed.Sofia and Maria moved to Gothenburg around the same time to study. They started to take powerwalks and talked about anything from the small village they grew up in to boyfriends. One crisp morning Sofia mentioned that a mutual old date was about to send his yacht in a container to the Caribbean and sail her from there to Sweden. Maria then told her about her dream and Sofia said let's do it. Time passed, Maria graduated and got a nice job at a consulting-firm. Soon after she took up the position the financial crisis started. Being one of the last engaged at the company Maria finds herself redundant and is forced to think about other possible occupations, finding a new job as a surface designer seemed impossible. Sofia is at that moment in Germany as an exchange student. Talking over Skype they discussed their old plan of sailing. Sofia is going to take a year off and travel, perfect, why not make it aboard a yacht. But what yacht? Maria's parents have an old 31 feet yacht, the other times she has brought up the idea they haven't been positive at all but now they suddenly seem ok with it.
The plan is to sail from Sweden to the Caribbean and back again. Right from the beginning we wanted to do this without men, because if we bring a man aboard everybody assumes he's the one in charge. We want to show ourselves that we can do this just aswell if not better! And of course we wan't an adventure! / Maria & Sofia
A very good idea! I sure will follow your voyage. -with envy!
Asger on s/y "Heldigvis" of Mariager a B31 MKII
Underbart tjejer! Bland det häftigaste jag läst om på länge. Jag ska följa er och önskar er ALL lycka. Hej och hälsningar från Helena