Day 27 - Hell on the Atlantic

Position: N 37° 59' W 035° 50' UTC 1200

Nautical miles left: 343

I would love to be able to write that life is wonderful aboard Cantare, that we are doing good speed towards Horta and that the food served is delicious. But, it's the opposite! Today we are experience hell on the Atlantic. Our hell features grey clouds, heavy rain, wind against us, constant wind speed changes, building waves, unpleasant unpredictable boat movements and a damp interior with mould smelling quilts. To make it worse there is water on the floor, some of it because we forgot to close the valve on the toilet sink and the rest seep in from different hard-to-do-something-about-places. We have to take turns going down on our knees and scoop it out, the small bilge pump that is supposed to do the job has long since stopped working, of course. Still, I think it is days like this that show how good the team work is and the memories of this crossing will forever entertain ourselves. So much has happened and we aren't there yet. A few more days and we will see land! / The Captain

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  1. asparagus Says:

    Håll ut!! Snart är ni framme och ser tillbaka på denna oförglömliga resa som man blir rörd och imponerad av att läsa om här på torra land. Och snart ses vi!!

    Puss & kram

    Lite poesi:

    Den mätta dagen, den är aldrig störst.
    Den bästa dagen är en dag av törst.

    Nog finns det mål och mening i vår färd -
    men det är vägen, som är mödan värd.

    Det bästa målet är en nattlång rast,
    där elden tänds och brödet bryts i hast.

    På ställen, där man sover blott en gång,
    blir sömnen trygg och drömmen full av sång.

    Bryt upp, bryt upp! Den nya dagen gryr.
    Oändligt är vårt stora äventyr.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Ship o'hoi girls!
    It is impressive to read about what you have achieved on your "expedition"! Unfortunately I was not aware of you and your blog until for a week ago. I have read all your logs now - really impressive! Since I have "missed" most of your trip, do you mind to turn back, or take another round when you are back - so I could have a very very nice blog to read? I hope I some day have will have enough guts to do a similar trip as yours. For now it is only a dream... Good luck with the rest of your trip - from now I will follow the rest your trip closely... Jo from Norway