Sofia has left Cantare
Posted On Saturday, 27 February 2010 at at 21:30 by The CaptainHowever it is a very small city and we could easely fit in a long lunch together with Sofia before it was time to say goodbye to her. She decided to go take the ferry to nereby St. Martin where she was to meet up with our stalker from Rodney Bay for a romantic weekend. Maybe she will tell you about it later or maybe not, what happens in the harbour....
Catrine and I are hanging out on St. Barths until Monday when we will sail to St. Martin and meet up with Sofia again and Emelie. Emelie is back in the West Indies! Not on Cantare though, but on Alan's boat Starfire. They met in Las Palmas and seem to stick to eachother since then. However her house is on the market soon and she will join us on Cantare somewhere on Cuba and stay with us for our second Atlantic crossing. We are so happy about that! Hopefully it will be another lazy crossing with even less watchkeeping. Have a nice weekend! / The Captain
Haha, don't worry dear readers, Sofia will be back very soon, just taking a little mini vacation from the vacation, checking out the 100-footer Swan our stalker is gonna race in the up coming Heineken Regatta and if I'm lucky there might be some test sailing for me too:)
remeber to tke some NICE pictures...........:-))
Sofia and the stalker...Wish you a very nice weekend! Hope you have a bit more space onboard this Swan.
Have fun!
Great reading and pictures thanks! You're obviously doing very well. Didn't know about your tour, just saw your blog mentioned in 'Allt för sjön' Stockholm ad y'day. Now I'll follow your boat onwards, not so much that I'm longing to sail the destination but rather that it's of interest to relate to my students, working as a high-school teacher and sailing instructor in summers. Best wishes for your continued good&safe journey / Peter
Hej tjejer!
Jag skulle behöva komma i kontakt med er. Sparbanken Gripen ska ge ut sin kundtidning Pengar Pengar och där tänkte vi ha ett reportage om er. Temat är förverkliga dina drömmar. Vår journalist Caroline Säfstrand skulle behöva ett telefonnummer där hon kan nå er. Ring eller maila mig.
Med vänlig hälsning
/Katarina Jönsson
0705-98 45 36