Do You want to Support the Sailing Cantare Project?

Since the Sailing Cantare project is very expensive, we are looking for sponsors. We are open to any suggestions leading to a cooperation, do not hesitate to contact us: or

What are the main costs in a project like this? Among others, there are heavy expenses on sails, insurances, fuel, liferaft, wind and water generator, EPIRB, GPSs, life jackets, satellite phone, watermaker, windvane…

We are thankful for all support, if You spontaneously would like to support our project Sailing Cantare has a bank account at Sparbanken Gripen:
Clearing number 9330
Account number 6250308126

If You are a customer at a bank outside Sweden and would like to support us, please use the following information:
To:BENEFICIARY'S BANK NAME: SPARBANKEN GRIPEN, SE-26222 ÄNGELHOLM SWEDEN BIC ADDRESS: GRIPSES1In favor of: Beneficiary's name, address, Bank code: 9330 and IBAN SE64 9330 0000 0062 5030 8126

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  1. Andreas Says:

    Tjena på Er Tjejer! Hoppas ni finner bra vind snart. Den statiskt fina Biscaya-säsongen är ju över nu. Det är väl t.o.m. 6 Augusti statistiskt sett men ni finner nog någon fin väderlucka.

    Ett tips bara. Det är inte superbra att gå ut med all den kontoinformation ni skrivit ut på sajten. Såvida ni inte bara använder det kontot för just sponsoring rekomenderar jag att ni tar bort den information. Det finns ju en och annan luring runt om i världen.

    Andreas Mehlin