Videos from the weekend and a summary of the course
Posted On Tuesday, 31 March 2009 at at 10:00 by Kapten IngerupWe are very satisfied with the course and it has strengthened our believe that preparations and practising is important when it comes to safety. You have to know what to do in an emergency because there's no time to think about it then, or you loose valuable time. The course made us think about the different situations that can happen on our voyage and it made us realize how important it is to wear a lifejacket and lifelines. On our way home we came up with some really strict rules for when to use the lifejacket, almost always! It was so much harder to stay afloat without it that the chance of survival is very slim if you don't wear it. We strongly recommend the ISAF Offshore Personal Survival Course by SSTC! Anyone who are about to do a sailing like ours should do it, and it would be a good idea for the holiday cruisers who like to go offshore aswell. / Captain Ingerup